Friday, June 3, 2011

E's Surgery

We have known for a long time now that Miss E's tonsils were HUGE and needed to come out. She snores so loud it shakes the house! We have had the date set to have her tonsils out for the last four months and she has been anxiously awaiting the day!

This morning she woke up and it was finally the day! Here we are in the prep room while we are waiting to meet with the Dr. before the surgery.

Mommy and Daddy were dreading the part where the nurses take her away for surgery because they remember how hard it was when they had to hand over Brother. Listening to him cry and the look on his face as the nurses took him way left both Mommy and Daddy in tears. Today however, they came and got Miss E in a blue wagon. We told her she must be pretty special because Brother didn't get to ride in a wagon when he had his tonsils out! She was nervous you could tell, but she never cried and we were VERY proud of her!

There she goes!

After the surgery the Dr. came into report that it was a success, however her tonsils had a lot of drainage damage behind them so he had to go in deeper than he thought so she experienced more bleeding than usual. But overall things went well. We were surprised by her having this, since she really has been a very healthy girl! The main reason we wanted her tonsils out was because of her snoring! We asked him how her tonsils compared to other children/people who have their tonsils out and he said they were abnormally large! Must run in our family because that is the same thing he said about Brother's tonsils! :-)

Here is the last picture we got, right before we were discharged. The nurses kept asking if she ever cries, since they never heard a peep out of her all day. The only time we really saw her fuss was when she had to wear "boy" jammies for the surgery! The hospital should really consider getting some princess jammies! ;-)

She has been doing surprisingly well at home today. She has had quite the appetite and you really wouldn't have known she had surgery if it wasn't for her being a little more quiet than usual. However we remember quite well with Brother that days three and four are often the worst. Hopefully everything continues to go smooth though. :-)


Erin Rae said...

Great job E you are such a brave little girl. We are wishing for a speedy recovery so you can be out in the sun with your family and playing hard.

Dana.stansbery said...

Hope your recovery is quick Miss E!

Life is Great with Eight said...

Thinking of you Miss E... and hoping for a speedy recovery for you! Glad to hear you are doing so well... It's good to see that they didn't take your smile away with those tonsils! :)