Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Still alive!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. We haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. . . however we have moved! :-) We have officially been in our new house for one week! . . . SO come visit us!

We have done a lot of packing, unpacking, painting, staining, decorating, lifting heavy, and etc in the last 7 days! We are exhausted, but are so thrilled to finally be in our new house! We actually closed on our new house on our 8th anniversary! Wow time flies, can you believe it has been 8 years?!?!

Another big milestone is that our little baby graduated to his big boy bed on Sunday. He did pretty well considering. I have pictures that I will post later once I get my computer hooked up! (I am using my husband's school computer right now!)

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. If you are in town, come on over and check out our new house! I promise I won't put you to work! ;-)


Erin Baumgarten said...

Congrats on your new home and a place to make new memories. Enjoy your summer and your time together. Jaylen asks about the kids almost everyday so we should really get them together at the park or something.

Can't wiat to see your new home.

Dana.stansbery said...

Congratulations on your new home!!