Monday, May 31, 2010

Missing our little girl!

This weekend our little sweetie went to spend the weekend with Nana and Papa! We kept brother, since he is still potty training. (He's doing pretty well too. This last week he had only a handful of accidents and the ones he's had, have been right before bedtime when he is tired. . . hopefully this keeps up with the big move ahead!!!)

Boy, have we missed sister! It is amazing how quiet it has been around the house this weekend. You would also have thought we would have gotten a lot more done without her, but for some reason little brother has become all that much more work without sister around. We never realized until now that she is gone how much they entertain each other. . . even though we thought they mostly fought when they were together! We are looking forward to picking her up today and getting to hear all about her exciting weekend seeing all the baby colts, getting her new bike, playing with her cousins, and much, much more!

Thanks Uncle Chris and Auntie Heidi for taking her home with you this weekend!

1 comment:

Life Is Great with Eight said...

I'm sure she is missing you too, but what a memory making weekend for her with her Nana and Papa! :) I'm sure brother will love to welcome her back home too!