Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Preschool Screening

This week our little buddy had his preschool screening. It was for the three year old preschool peer model group that will start next fall. He did GREAT! However he had me a little concerned before the screening when I asked him two questions that I figured would be on the test (That he has known the answer to since he learned to talk) . . . what his name is and how old he is and he replied, "I don't know!" Little stinker! He got it right when it counted though! :-) He knows how to stress me out, that's for sure! I'm super pumped that he will get to be apart of the great preschool program Julienne runs! Yippee!!! :-) P.S. Note the dinosaurs he had to bring with to his screening. I couldn't convince him to leave them at home!

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