Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Kid's Bathroom

OK, slow blogging around here but I wanted to show off a project 1 1/2 years in the making! :-) When we first bought our house my mom and I painted the kid's bathroom this bright teal. It turned out a little brighter then I was hoping but now finally after getting everything finished it looks just as I had hoped!

Here is a close up of the curtains. Found this idea on Pinterest! Love them! They make me so happy every time I walk by! Almost all of this ribbon I had on hand with my scrapbooking supplies. Needless to say my scrapbooking ribbon is looking a little depleted! My sister painted me two cute pictures to go in the bathroom that match the soap dispenser/toothbrush holder. LOVE THEM!!!

Here is a close up of the new light fixture that I installed myself! Thanks to my sister walking me through how to do it! Saved some money not having to hire an electrician!

To match the curtains I hung ribbon down the cupboard to hang Miss E's hair clips. I saw this idea on Pinterest too but they all used frames. Miss E has way too many hair clips to fit in a frame so this worked out well. No more digging through drawers to find matching barrettes!

Yeah, most people would wash the mirror and sink before taking a picture, not me! ;-)

Here is the second picture, Heidi painted! Isn't it adorable?!?! I still need to find a frame for it to go in, but it looks pretty cute as it is too! Thanks Heidi!

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