Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday Party

Our sweet little cousin had her second birthday party a few days ago. We had lots of fun celebrating with her. We ordered her a birthday shirt to match her monkey theme, so she had to open up a gift before the party even started! :-)

Yummy, pizza!

Then it was time for cake! Our favorite!

Blowing out the candles. . .

The cake was so good, all the kids wanted a second helping after they played a bit!

Then it was time for presents!

She liked the book we gave her and she knew just who to go to, to have it read to her! ;-)

Grandma and Grandpa got her a basketball hoop. Little E was showing her all his moves (even the not so good ones; like stand on chairs to make a basket or holding the net closed as he shoots, so he doesn't have to rebound the ball!) Looks like she got the hang of this basketball thing!

Thanks for letting us share your special day with us! We love you!!! XOXO


Christine Laney said...

Thank you for posting Lauren's birthday pics! Amanda needs to have a blog too ;-)

M. Holland said...

Yes, I agree! She should have a blog! :-) So should you, by the way!