Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a GREAT weekend home at Nana and Papa's! We decorated pretzels dipped in almond bark "twice" (since they were eaten up so fast the first time!)

Ate another yummy Thanksgiving Feast!

Built a snowfort. Yes, that is Daddy way inside that fort!

Had lot of fun with our cousins!
Daddy even got out for a little hunting.

And we spent lots of time cuddling!!! WE sure miss Nana and Papa and wish we lived closer!!!

Mommy spent some of the weekend trying to catch up on sleep, since she pulled an all nighter Black Friday shopping! She isn't as young as she used to be, since she really felt the pain of missing a nights sleep all weekend long. It was worth it though, she got lots of good deals!!!

This last picture, I just had to share. Nana made this and hung it outside her house, isn't it cute!!! She just used a branch off of her old artificial Christmas tree and added a bow and some old skates. We told her she needs to make one for us now! ;-)

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