Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Boy!

I am not always this happy when mommy makes me sit on the potty, but she caught me at a good moment! Tonight for the first time since we started potty training Mommy and Daddy took me into town to get some things. They asked me every 10 minutes if I needed to go and I kept shaking my head and saying NO! They even took me into the bathroom in one of the stores to try to make me go before they headed home! I didn't have to go and they couldn't make me. I could overhear them talking on the way home that they knew I was going to be wet when we got home and that they were going to have to wash the car seat. . . but I proved them wrong! I made it a whole 3 hours before I got home. They were quite surprised when they took me out and I was still dry! They were even cheering and singing some funny song about me staying dry! Mommy then rushed me up the stairs to go sit on the potty! This is when she took this picture of me! Yup, we were both feeling pretty proud! For some reason, I still didn't have to go, so Mommy said I could get up for a bit, but that I would have to try again in a little while. Well, with that good news I ran over to my toys and with all the excitement of not seeing them in 3 1/2 hours, . . . well, I peed! ;-)

1 comment:

Erin Baumgarten said...

Way to go Easton!!! You are well on your way to the "Big Boy World", that I too have finally joined. My mommy is sure happy that I decided to enter that world before you did, she would not have been very happy with me. Good job, I miss you at Dawnie's

Love, Jaylen