Friday, December 5, 2008

WOW Mrs. Holland!

Last night mommy's kindergarten students had their Christmas program up at the school. Instead of bringing Brother, Mommy thought it would be fun to have a Mommy and me date, so she brought just me. When the kindergarteners saw me, instead of Brother like they are used to seeing, one little boy said, "Wow, Mrs. Holland how did your baby grow up so fast?"

Yep, kids say the darnest things! :-)


Heidi Eckart said...

Too cute! Although Easton really has grown.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Easton is almost 2 months old already...that is crazy. I bet even crazier for you!! 6 weeks to go at this end...that time will fly.
Any good tips for the potty training?? I keep thinking I should get adison going on that so we don't have 2 in diapers?!?!


M. Holland said...

Hi Tonia! Yes, time does fly! No, I don't have any potty training tips. She just hated being wet and dirty so she made my job pretty easy. Yes, two in diapers gets expensive, I'm glad we are back to only one! Good luck with Adison!