Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mommy's Thankful List

Here is my list of some of the things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:

My two miracles!
Miracle number one:
Just thinking back on how hard we tried to have her, all the tests, shots, procedures, PRAYERS, and tears we cried to have her and now here she is almost two, growing up so fast!

Then there is my miracle number two:

After four year and how many dollars to have sister, there comes brother! How and when? Good question! So as much as she is a miracle, I have to admit he is just as much a miracle! I can only hope I have a couple more miracles just like them. They are truly some thing to be thankful for! I love being a mom and thank God for them everyday!

My Husband!

Can you believe that I have known him for 10 years this fall and it all started when he asked me to dance and got his gum stuck in my hair! I never dreamed that that night I would have met my husband, the love of my life! I am SO very thankful for him. He is not only a wonderful husband, but a wonderful dad! It is amazing how natural it comes for him . . . being a dad! I remember when he used to get home from work before we had our babies and he would come give me a kiss and a hug and ask me about my day, now when he gets home, he throws off his jacket and sprints by me to sweep up his children to give them hugs and kisses . . . and I wouldn’t have it any other way! He is the most loving, funny, caring person I know and I am so lucky/thankful that he is mine!

My Parents!

Growing up, I always knew my parents loved me, but it took me being a parent to realize just how much they loved me. Mom and Dad. . . I’m thankful that you loved me as much as you did/do and that gave me the life you did. I was one lucky girl and was given pretty much everything I ever wanted. I truly had the best childhood anyone could EVER ask for; my only wish is that I can give my children the same kind of life that you gave me! Thank you Mom and Dad for setting high expectations and never settling for anything but my best. Love you!

My in-laws!

I am very thankful that I married into such a wonderful family who is so full of love and compassion. I am also thankful that they live so close (Now how often do you hear people say that about their in-laws? That just shows how wonderful they really are!)

My sisters!

I couldn’t imagine my life without my sisters! They are both the most creative, talented, fun-loving, CRAZY people I know. Growing up I never wished for a bother, I had my sisters and that is all a girl needs! I love them both and am SO thankful for them. They have been there for me through thick and thin and I know I can always count on them . . . even though they are jealous that I am the “precious” one!

My Job!
How many people can say that absolutely love what they do? I am thankful for a classroom full of children that are someday going to change the world and I will be able to say I had a hand it that! I am also thankful for all the hugs I get everyday (even when they hug you and then look at their hand in horror and say, “Oh no, that was my glue hand!”), you can never have a sad day when you teach kindergarten, even when you are 9 months pregnant and you student says, “WOW Mrs. Holland, your belly is HUGE! How do you fit in your car?” :-)

My Friends and Family!
Can’t forget them! I’m thankful for all my friends and family, new and old! It is amazing how as you go through life, there are so many people that touch your heart. Well, I can honestly say that my friends and family have all done their part to make my life a little brighter and better! I am also thankful for all my new blogger friends. I love checking in on everyone's blogs and seeing what everyone is up to. Thank you also for all of you that leave comments, it makes my day when I see someone has read my blog and has left a comment, keep them coming!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Life Is Great with Eight said...

Well, I am honored to be the first to comment on your genuine thankfulness post, Mistie. What a nice way to reflect.... the pictures are great! I too, am so thankful to have a great friend in you! I can't wait for you to back at school... Central Cass just isn't the same without you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

tamijo said...

Ahh that was so sweet, almost made me tear up. I dont think you could have picked a cuter picture of me. I was so cute, what happened! Very cute idea!!

Heidi Eckart said...

Ahhh, I needed a tissue (darn hormones). That just shows why you are and always will be the precious one!

Love ya,
Big Sis