Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cute as a BUG!

Daddy and Mommy took Brother. . . aka, Bumblebee and Me. . . aka, ladybug out trick or treating tonight! We had lots of fun. However I preferred being at home and getting to pass out treats to all the trick or treaters! Every time the door bell rang I screamed, jumped up and down, and raced to get the bucket!!!

Here are some pictures of Brother and I in our costumes:


Heidi Eckart said...

Cute as a bug has new meaning! I also never knew I was related to the "Legend"!


tamijo said...

Wow Jason you really look like the Bird :).. Mistie couldn't you get him in a catapiller costume? Then you could have been a butterfly. Something to think about for next year.

Life Is Great with Eight said...

Very Cute...I love Easton's lil' Trick-or-Treat bag to match... They definately each are as "Cute as a Bug".