Monday, September 8, 2008

Potty Training

Daddy stayed home with me today since I've been running a temp for the last couple days. Well, today with daddy's help I actually made it to the potty to go potty! All weekend I have been practicing with my teddy. Teddy sits on the potty and then when teddy is done going, I give him a high five and clap for him! Today teddy gives me a high five instead. I know I still have lots of practicing to do, but hey you have to start somewhere right? Daddy is really excited for me to be trained, because the thought of two babies in diapers doesn't sound too good to him!

P.S. I hope daddy realizes that this was a probably a fluke and I won't be fully trained for quite some time, but for now . . . I'm not going to burst his bubble! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Emery was the one with the fever or did Jason?????

Adyn is proud of you Emery!