Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr. Appointments

Well, we had Baby A's 9 month check up on Thursday and here is how she weighed in:

Weight: 15.2 pounds (that is with her clothes on and a VERY wet diaper! . . . not sure why they kept her clothes on, they have never done that for my other babies.)  That doesn't even put her on the chart for percentiles.  So she is at the 0 percentile, which means if she was compared to 100 kids her age they would all weigh more then her!
Height: 27 inches long ~ 15th percentile
Head: 16.4 inches ~ 4th percentile

She's a peanut!!!  Besides that the Dr. thought she looked great. . . . We do too!!!  For those of you who have been waiting for her 9 month pictures. . . I tried to get some tonight but SERIOUSLY she does not sit still or cooperate at all!  There is a reason she is so thin. . . she burns off more calories then she could possibility consume!  LOL  I'll try again for some more pictures, but she really is exhausting.  I might have to settle for some sleeping ones, since that is the only time she stops moving!  :-)

We also had Miss E's five year check up, which meant KINDERGARTEN shots!!!  She did great.  She shed a couple quiet tears (but so did I!)

She weighed in at:
Weight for Stature: 31 pounds ~ 0 Percentile (Doesn't surprise me, since she has been that from birth too!)
Height: 43 inches ~ 40th Percentile

Can't believe how much our babies are growing up!!!

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