Monday, March 19, 2012

7 Months

Can you say MOVER???? That is what this little stinker is! She is always moving to the point that she is almost impossible to hold and exhausting to watch! She hands and knees crawls and sometimes even crawls on her toes and hands (with her butt high up in the air) all over the house from room to room, stopping for a quick second to see if anyone is watching and then off she goes again. She can sit up all on her own now, (if she finds something interesting enough to stop and look at) but then off she goes again. She also knows her name and looks at you when you call it out loud. She hears it quite often because every time she gets to one of my plants or something else she shouldn't, we call it out followed by the word NO! She will probably go to school telling everyone her last name is NO! :-) I am sure E and E were this busy, I just don't remember! She might give us a run for our money though!

Other milestones are that she is eating like a champ. She loves her cereal and veggies and for as small as she is we are always surprised on how much she can eat! She also has pulled herself up onto things, into a kneeling position. Won't be long before she is standing!

Tonight I tried getting her 7th Month picture taken. Pretty much gave up because she was ripping the sticker on her shirt, throwing the lamb all around, and trying to get off the couch whenever she could. Oh the fun times at our house!!!!

At least she is cute! :-)

1 comment:

Life is Great with Eight said...

You've got that right!!!! She sure is cute!!