Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This week Miss E started T-ball. Daddy is helping out with the coaching which is yet to be determined if it is a good thing or a bad thing! After practice number one, we think it might be a bad thing since Daddy claims all she did was cling to him!

We have been practicing our catching in the living room each night and she is getting better and seems to enjoy it. She said right before bed that she won't hold onto Daddy next time she goes to practice. We'll see!

Here she is trying to make a catch tonight. Note Mommy is a bad at throwing anyway, but when she is trying to videotape and toss, it isn't pretty! Also note Little E in the background. We need to find him a right handed glove, since he is proving to be left handed and fights us each time he has to put the glove on! He will wear it on the left if we make him, but then takes it off to throw left!

1 comment:

Life is Great with Eight said...

That a girl Miss E! I'm so proud of you and can't wait for you to show off your "All Star" talents this year at T-Ball! Before you know it brother will be on the team too! :)