Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby on the Brain

Miss E has been asking a lot of questions about the baby that is growing inside mommy's tummy! Here are just a FEW of the ones I can remember:

* "When the baby "pops" out of your tummy, who's house is it going to live in?"

* "Mom, who's belly did you "pop" out of?"

* "Mom, is the baby wearing jammies?"

* "How come the baby gets to do whatever it wants?"

* When someone asked her what she thought the baby would be, she answered, "I don't know, it is probably a boy or a girl!"

* "Mom, do you have to mash up all the food you eat before the baby gets it, so it doesn't choke?"

Little E on the other hand doesn't ask a lot of questions. However he loves giving my tummy kisses and talking to the baby. He has also been seen at home and at daycare carrying all his animals rolled up in his shirt and telling everyone that he has a baby in his tummy! :-)

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