Sunday, October 10, 2010

Birthday Party

We just can't believe our baby boy is turning TWO this week! Since he LOVES elephants and carries them everywhere he goes, we thought it was fitting to have a Zoo/Safari themed party! It worked out great, since that is also one of my themes I teach in my Kindergarten classroom! :-)

Here are the cupcakes. I wanted to make fondant ones, but settled for simple! They still turned out pretty cute!

We got the little man his own cake, but he really didn't want it. He liked the orange cupcake with an elephant on it instead!

It worked out good bringing out the little table and chairs to feed all the kids.

The Birthday Boy!

Yup these cupcakes were yummy. . . . and MESSY!

He was SO excited when he saw there was an elephant on his shirt. Too bad it was 80 some degrees outside and I made him a long sleeve shirt . . . who would have known?

The kids were excited to put on puppet shows and to play bean bag animal toss. We were going to play pin the tail on the elephant, but little E wouldn't leave the elephant on the wall. . . he even took it to bed with him at nap time! Yes, he REALLY loves elephants! We might just have to splurge and take him to a circus one day! :-)

On to the presents! Can you guess what he got????

After the party was over, he still had lots of energy and wanted a horsie ride from Papa. Thanks Great Auntie Doreen for the cute jammies. We won't be able to wait until this spring to wear them! ;-)

Thanks everyone for making his day so special! Love to you all!

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