Sunday, September 19, 2010


My First Homework Assignment:

Good grief!!!! You would think Mommy being a teacher and all she would know better!!! Well, tonight right before bedtime, Mommy remembered I had homework in my backpack that my teacher gave me on Thursday that was due back to school tomorrow; Monday. . . yes, she gave it to me on THURSDAY so I had all weekend to get it done!!! Well, bedtime was in 5 minutes and that meant I need to "buckle down" and get this project done. . . at least that is what my Mommy said!

Here I am starting my coloring. I decided to color it with markers.

Here I am 40 minutes later finishing my chipmunk (that Mommy kept calling a squirrel!) I decided to make a rainbow chipmunk!

Here I am 45 minutes later cutting everything out. When I wouldn't look at the camera, Daddy told Mommy, "She can't look up, she is concentrating!" I replied, "Daddy I am not concentrating, I am cutting!"

Ahh! 50 minutes later and I have my homework finished! Doesn't it look nice? I hope Mommy saves my homework every night until it's bedtime. . . I love getting to stay up late!

1 comment:

Life is Great with Eight said...

Make sure you save these pictures of her excitement over homework... because you may surely need them to remind E later on down the road that "Homework is FUN!" CUTE POST!