Thursday, January 14, 2010

15 month checkup

Wow! Can you believe our little boy is already 15 months old. It is sad how fast time goes, but we are sure having fun watching them grow! He is definitely ALL boy!!! He climbs like a monkey, does laps around the house so fast you get tired just watching, and you never see him without a horse or a basketball in his hand!

Today we found out that he weighs 22 pounds (20%), is 32 1/4 inches tall (85%) and his head is 17 3/4(50%).

Mommy had to look back at how sister measured up at her 15 month checkup and she was: 17 pounds (not on the charts), 31 inches tall (75%) and her head was 17 3/4 (50%). Pretty close to brother. . . except for the weight. Daddy weighed her tonight on our home scale and she was 25 pounds, so it won't be long before brother catches her. It is no wonder for as much as he can eat! . . . He definitely makes up for what she doesn't! :-)

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