Thursday, November 7, 2019

Guest speaker RaeLyn Davis

November 7th, the day we will never forget. . . The day that everything changed. . . the day that our carefree life would never be the same . . . the day that E was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, days after his third birthday. I remember spending five days in the hospital with him where it took three nurses and ourselves holding him down to do his blood sugar checks and insulin shots. We've come a long way where he is almost completely independent with his diabetic needs and is rocking his diagnosis. I'm proud of him for never letting things get him down! Coincidently, today on his diabetic anniversary he was able to meet country music star RaeLyn Davis (also a Type 1) who came to the school to share her story of rising above anything life throws at you, including diabetes! Pretty cool to meet someone famous that's just like him! 

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