Friday, July 4, 2014

Fourth of July

Well, anther GREAT fourth is wrapped up and in the books.  It is so fun watching these cousins play and grow together!

These little ones didn't leave the water all weekend!

Great Grandma and Great Auntie came for part of the day.  We had some birthday cupcakes with them.

Some baseball and football.

Roasting Marshmallows.

Nice photo-bomb A!

Daddy and Miss E found a turtle out on one of their four-wheeler rides and they brought it back for all the kids to see.

Slip and slide fun.

Think she is saying, "I'm THREE!"  Too cute!


Nana made everyone their own chalk star so they had a place to stand when it was time for sparklers so no one got burnt.

These two were inseparable this weekend!  The cutest thing was before G went on his first tube ride he yelled back at E, "I'll be right back!  I love you!!!"  ;-)

Ice Cream after the show.

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