Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Well, the time has finally come for our baby girl to start KINDERGARTEN!  :-)  We couldn't be more excited for her!!!  Daddy was a bit bummed that he didn't get to send her off and see her all day like Mommy does, but he was still so proud to see her all ready and excited for school to start!

Here she is with her backpack.  Can you tell she is excited?!?!

Mommy and Miss E off to Kindergarten!

 Here she is with her teacher Mrs. Parker and the "Welcome Back to School Bottle" she gave her filled with lots of office supplies to hopefully help Mrs. Parker have a GREAT year!  

At her desk, ready to start her day!

One more picture with Mommy before she had to head back to her classroom.  Now Mommy remembers why she wanted to be a teacher!  ;-)  She certainly has the best of both worlds!  A job she loves and getting to see her baby across the hall anytime she wants!  (As long as Mrs. Parker doesn't kick her out!)  ;-)

1 comment:

tamijo said...

Love how excited you are E! Have a great year.