Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pink or Blue?!?! Baby, We Love You!!!!

OK BLOG followers. . . I have added a poll for you on the right side of the page. You will also see how many days are left on the poll, which will count down to my due date!!! It is getting closer and closer. . . which is starting to stress me out, because this picture shows exactly what the baby's room looks like at this very moment. Two tubs of baby bedding (one for a GIRL and one for a BOY), but NOTHING else!!! Can you believe it? You will also notice that the walls are still a bright pink. My plan is to have paint chips picked out and ready to go, if the baby is a boy (So Jas can hurry home and get it painted before bring the baby home!) If it is a girl, then I will leave it as is, since it will match really good with Miss E's old bedding. :-) Now I know why people like finding out what they are having, sure makes life easier! But we are having lots of fun in the mean time trying to guess what it is! I keep going back and fourth. One day I am certain it is a BOY and then the next, maybe it is a GIRL! Can't wait to find out. As we wait and continue to guess, we better get moving and get this room ready, so I can stop stressing!!!! Wish us luck! :-)


Unknown said...

I hope it's a boy just so Jason has to paint some more :)

Dana.stansbery said...

Haha! I like Nikki's thinking!!