Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tonight was our first night with the new session of gymnastics. The kids did awesome!

Our little buddy has really matured since last time he went. He listened really well to the coaches and wanted to try everything.

Can you tell he loves it here?

Mommy had fun trying out her new camera and the video setting on it. However she still needs to play around and do some practicing, because there is a still a lot to learn! For example, you can't turn the camera on its side to get a better view, because then your movie is on it's side! Oh well, you will just have to turn your heads for this one! :-) Here he is at the beginning of the gymnastics class when the teachers do some stretches and dances with the kids. Last time, he never did this because we could never get him out of the pit or get him to sit long enough. We were pretty surprised to see him doing what he was suppose to do!
In this video you can see how he has no fear! Daddy tells him to go on the top step (something his Mother would ever tell him to do!) Then he jumps off into the pit.
This last video my camera setting must have gotten messed up because it came out really blurry. . . but it is still cute how he does what the teacher tells him to do and then he finishes off with his big Tada! Then he gets his stamps on his foot for doing a good job.

Miss E also surprised us tonight. She walked into her room and told the coach her full name and then went and sat down on the carpet to wait for her friends. This is the first time Mommy has ever seen her talk to an adult she doesn't know. Mommy was very proud of her! :-) I didn't get any other pictures of her because once they start class they shut the door and all the Mommies and Daddies have to watch them from a TV screen out in the waiting area. The kids can concentrate better that way, but it stinks when you want pictures to scrapbook! :-)

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