Friday, July 24, 2009


Brother is changing SO much these last couple weeks! He has always been a busy boy, but now he really IS into everything! He has also developed a great sense of humor! He tries to be silly just like is sister, just to make you laugh! Yesterday he also mastered waving and giving high-fives! Pretty exciting stuff going on in the Holland household! :-) Also, anytime big sister Emery takes something from him, he looks over at mommy and daddy with big puppy-dog eyes and then starts to cry (as if he was tattling on her!) Yes, it has already started!

At his 9 month checkup that he had this week he weighed 17 lbs. 9 oz (20%), was 28 3/4 inches long (75%), and his head was 17 7/8 (50%). He is definitely long and wirey!

He keeps us busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way! He has been a great addition to our family and we just love him so much!

P.S. Sorry the picture is blurry. . . but we have trouble getting him to hold still long enough to get a good one! ;-)

1 comment:

Heidi Eckart said...

You look like such a big boy, Easton. You'll have to practice your high fives with Grady. He is just starting to get the hang of it.