Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Daddy and Mommy started taking me to gymnastics last week (Mommy has fallen behind on her blogging!) and I wasn't so sure what to think. All these kids running around and bouncing off things. . . a little too stimulating if you ask me.

The first day, I wanted Mommy and Daddy to hold my hand everywhere I went and when the teachers or other kids talked to me, I pretended like I didn't hear them and would look in the opposite direction! The teachers also tried to make me do "stunts" and then would give out stamps on my hands and feet. Mommy and Daddy also had to force me to do this, to get some stamps like the other kids!

Well, today was week two and I guess this place isn't so bad after all. By the end of the day I had lots of stamps too, didn't want Mommy to help me do ANYTHING. and I didn't want to go home! Can't wait for next week!

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