Friday, July 4, 2008

Fun at Nana and Papa's!

Boy did I have fun at Nana and Papa's! I loved going out to the pasture with Nana to look at and pet her pretty horses! Here are some pictures of my great week at Nana and Papa's:

Adyn is SO funny, he taught me how to dance and then fall to the ground. I couldn't get enough dancing and playing with Adyn!

Addi was good at giving me anything I wanted. She even would share her suckers with me. I love Addi!

Boy does Nana have some pretty flower beds. We helped her weed a couple of them. Here is a picture of Nana and Auntie Heidi working hard!

Nana and Papa have a big jacuzzi tub that is a little too big for me just yet, but I sure had a blast taking a bath in Nana's sink!

Here are some pictures of me having fun at the lake!

I had lots of fun riding Papa's four wheeler around the ranch looking at cows and horses!

Daddy and the boys had a great time catching HUGE fish out of Papa's lake. Daddy even cooked them up for supper one night! They were yummy!

Thanks Nana and Papa for a great Fourth of July! I love you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable bathing suit Emery... all decked out in Red, White, and Blue for the 4th holiday..... too cute! :)
The Parkers