It all started about four months ago when I decided I had enough with my contact lenses and the constant irritation they were causing me. If I did wear them for longer then a day at a time, I was ending up sorry. This may have been my eyes fighting back from me wearing them 24/7 and never giving them a break. Yes, I was one of those people who lived in their contacts, even sleeping in them! My eyes finally said, no more!
Well, that brings us to August when I scheduled my appointment for this November to get my Lasik eye surgery! I had never been more excited! Away with glasses and contacts once and for all! I had planned, did the research, and even had nightmares the week leading up to the surgery. . . I had also saved and flexed to help play for it (Big Mistake!) I had also gone without my contacts for more days then I care to remember to help prepare my eyes for the big day! But low and behold, come my appointment my Dr. tells me that I am not a good candidate for the procedure because my corneas are too thin. I asked him if there was something I did to cause them to be so thin (Like sleeping in them for weeks at a time??) But he assured me that there was nothing I did, some people are just born with thinner corneas. I am grateful that they were honest and were not just money hungry, going ahead with the procedure in fear of the consequences that could have resulted if they did . . .but this just STINKS! I was really looking forward to passing over my glasses to the needy and throwing my contacts out the door.
Not only does this suck for those reasons, but I also have the problem of what do I do now with all that money I flexed, that has to be used for medical purposes? Someone suggested to me that I should just go get some "implants." (If you see me around the next couple months with a brand new figure, you know what happened! Ha-ha!) Another person told me I should just have another baby! (I don't know if saving my flex money would out weigh the daycare and diaper bill that I would get in return?!?) ;-) . . . But I always did want a big family!?!?
Well, I think my best option is that I should try to talk my hubby into getting the lasik surgery done (If he is even a candidate?!?!) But, if he does this, will I always be secretly jealous every time we wake up in the middle of the night and I am fumbling for my glasses and he isn’t? . . .I know I should just be happy for him, but again, this was suppose to be MY surgery! Oh, I will get over it and be happy for him, but again this just stinks!