Monday, October 20, 2008

One Week!

Well, it's hard to believe that one week has already flown by! Little Brother has been a great addition to our family and Sister seems to be adjusting well to being the big sister!

We have had a busy week with lots of company, lots of diaper changing, lots of laundry, lots of cat-naps, and lots of hugs and kisses! We are so excited to show him off to everyone, so please keep the visits coming! We are always home and you can stop by whenever!

Here are some pictures of his's first week:


Anonymous said...

WOW! Easton sure has had a busy week! How nice to have so many family and friends welcome him into the world! Very Special. My favorite pic is the one of him alone with the brown/blue outfit and blanket... so cute! :)


tamijo said...

Wow how big is he getting! Can't wait to see him Thursday. Addi looks just like Heidi in those pictures, lucky girl. Emery's eye still looks pretty black and blue... poor little girl. :)