Monday, October 6, 2008

Black Eye

I got a black eye at daycare last Thursday when I was trying to take a toy away from another little boy (who is my age but much bigger!). He didn't think that was a good plan and thought I should have maybe asked nicely, instead of just grabbing it from him! Well, long story short as I was trying to take the toy (and he was trying to prevent me), he fell on me and his head landed on my eye! I only cried a few tears and in return he felt bad for me and gave me the toy. So I guess my plan worked after all! Well today. . . four days after the fact, Mommy finally got around to taking a picture of my black eye!

I'm one tough cookie. . . however Mommy and Daddy said I need to work on something they call "Sharing" . . . whatever that is. . . I think maybe I'll just start picking on kids my own size!

1 comment:

tamijo said...

how cute are you with the black eye! it won't be your last with you being so athletic. I've seen your moved around the hoop!!