Thursday, October 30, 2008

Visiting Great Grandma

Today Mommy, Auntie Christine, and Grandma took Brother and I to visit Great Grandma. We had lots of fun playing in Great Grandma's new apartment. Brother pretty much slept the whole time we were there, but not me . . . I was too busy entertaining everyone!

Sweet Baby Boy

Mommy took this picture of me sleeping this morning on her bed while she was getting ready. Aren't I just precious???

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Visiting Kindergarten

Mommy took me to school today to show me off to all of her students. All the kids thought I was super cute and couldn't believe how much hair I had! Mommy missed all of them and couldn't believe how much they had grown in two short weeks! I know mommy loves to be home with me all day, but I think she misses teaching too! She was just glad everyone was doing good and staying out of trouble while she has been gone!

Monday, October 20, 2008

One Week!

Well, it's hard to believe that one week has already flown by! Little Brother has been a great addition to our family and Sister seems to be adjusting well to being the big sister!

We have had a busy week with lots of company, lots of diaper changing, lots of laundry, lots of cat-naps, and lots of hugs and kisses! We are so excited to show him off to everyone, so please keep the visits coming! We are always home and you can stop by whenever!

Here are some pictures of his's first week:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Well, my new baby brother is finally here! He weighed in at 7lbs. 10oz and was 21 inches long. I'm not too sure what to think of him just yet, but I did share my blanket with him (just for a second). Mommy said I'm going to be the best big sister ever! I think she is right! I can't wait to teach him all sorts of cool stuff! Here are some pictures of my handsome little brother!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

No Baby Yet!

Hey everyone! I know you are all wondering but, NO we haven't had a baby yet! Even though today is my due date. . . it looks like it is going to come and go without a baby! Which at first I was pretty bummed, but now I'm looking at it as a blessing since everyone has come down with bad colds and coughs over the weekend and Sister also looks as if she might have pink eye! I have been staying busy disinfecting everything they touch and timing all my "false labor" contractions. At night they get as close as 5 minutes apart, but then during the day they come and go when they want!

Well, hopefully their colds/pink eye comes and goes and this baby comes sooner then later! I can't wait to meet him or her. . .but I would sure like my family to be healthy enough to meet him/her with me! :-)

We will keep you posted!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Black Eye

I got a black eye at daycare last Thursday when I was trying to take a toy away from another little boy (who is my age but much bigger!). He didn't think that was a good plan and thought I should have maybe asked nicely, instead of just grabbing it from him! Well, long story short as I was trying to take the toy (and he was trying to prevent me), he fell on me and his head landed on my eye! I only cried a few tears and in return he felt bad for me and gave me the toy. So I guess my plan worked after all! Well today. . . four days after the fact, Mommy finally got around to taking a picture of my black eye!

I'm one tough cookie. . . however Mommy and Daddy said I need to work on something they call "Sharing" . . . whatever that is. . . I think maybe I'll just start picking on kids my own size!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

The weather was beautiful today so Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Christine took me to the pumpkin patch in West Fargo. I loved picking out a pumpkin and getting to see all the animals! Grandpa showed me how to feed the animals grass! I kept asking Grandpa for more grass so I could feed all the animals! The little puppy wasn't so interested in the grass I wanted to feed him, but he sure liked all my hugs! My favorite animal was of course the "horsies!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We made it to October!!!

Ah, October is finally here and the countdown is going strong!!! We have 11 days left until the due date and things are looking . . . well . . . BIG! For those of you who haven't seen me in a while I thought I better post a picture so you can visualize just how BIG we are talking! Ha!