Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Well, my new baby brother is finally here! He weighed in at 7lbs. 10oz and was 21 inches long. I'm not too sure what to think of him just yet, but I did share my blanket with him (just for a second). Mommy said I'm going to be the best big sister ever! I think she is right! I can't wait to teach him all sorts of cool stuff! Here are some pictures of my handsome little brother!


tamijo said...

I love and miss Easton already!! Emery it's been so long since I've seen you too. I'll be there NEXT weekend! Get ready:)

tamijo said...

Humm... not sure if Emery cares for the new baby.. lol. "why are you sitting on my momma and daddys lap?!"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jason, Mistie, and Emery on the birth of Easton. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics. You all look great, and so happy! Take Care :) Tanya

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new look of your blog. Very appropriate to welcome the new addition to your family! Cute!


Dana.stansbery said...

Congratulations Emery, Mistie, and Jason!

Anonymous said...

Congratulaions! I've been wondering when the baby was coming. He's beautiful (and you look great too Mistie!). Give me a call for lunch one day. Charlie and I would love to drive out to Casselton! Alanna

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family. Both Easton and Emery are too-oo cute. Love all your hair Easton, and love the sweet way you're looking at your baby brother Emery. Can't wait to see you both (and your Mommy & Daddy). Love, Wanda