Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Cousin

Our new baby cousin was born on February 18th.  She is SO sweet!!!  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

18 Months

Well, Baby A turned 18 months old this month!  Wow does time fly!  She is turning into quite the little talker and little sweetheart. . . except for the times she bites her siblings, parents, and the kids at daycare!  Hopefully she outgrows this phase sooner than later!   She had her 18th month well-check and measured in at 19 lbs 8 oz (0%) and was 2 feet 7.5 inches long (45%).  She is right on target for all her milestones, except when Miss E was 18 months old she was already sleeping in a big girl bed and was a big sister to her new baby brother!  And when Little E was 18 months old he was already potty trained and too sleeping in a big boy bed.  We'll get there. . . the big girl bed and the potty training. . . not the big sister thing!  ;-)  I was hoping Nana or Grandma would volunteer to take her for a week to potty train her but they haven't offered!  ;-)  Guess it will be a summer thing!  She does tell us when she has already went and loves putting her dollies on the toilet, so we are getting there.  

We (it was a family effort) took her pictures this morning.  Isn't she a ray of sunshine?!?!  We love you Baby A, even if you don't sit still and have all four of your family members breaking a sweat to take a couple pictures!  We LOVE you to the moon and back!  You are the perfect addition to our family!  XOXO

Wish we could have gotten her to smile more in these next two, but she had enough of the camera by this point.  Oh well, she is still pretty cute!  ;-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2013 JDRF Walk

WOW!!!  What a great weekend we had at the JDRF Walk this year.  We are in such a better place then we were last year at this time and we really are counting our blessings!  We have an amazing child who loves life and loves his family and friends.  And it is for sure that they LOVE him back!!!  Thank you to everyone who donated to his team.  We raised well over 3,000 dollars with some funds still coming in!  It is simply amazing!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Here we are on the car ride to the cities.  Can you tell they are excited?

Our hotel had bunk beds which they thought were SUPER cool!  They took turns sleeping on the top and each took a turn falling out!  Good thing they are graceful fallers!

After we got all settled into the hotel, it was off to the water park!

 The next morning we got up bright and early for the Walk!  Here Easton is with Auntie Christine.  She was part of a Pay It Forward program that gave Easton's team $500.00.  AMAZING!

 Right after this picture Miss E got something in her eye that took us over an hour to get out.  You will see in all the following pictures she has a swollen eye.  Poor thing!

Our two Super Heros!  

Together all the teams for the Bloomington Walk raised $2,000,000.00.  WOW!

 Even though some of our family couldn't make it, they showed their support from home!  LOVE it!!!

Baby A had a great time with her Auntie, Uncle, and cousins!  Hopefully next year she will be able to join us at the Walk.  We sure missed her!

 After the walk and a fun day, Little E fell asleep on his daddies shoulders!  How sweet!

 Thanks again for a FUN weekend everyone!  We are BLESSED!